I’ve never really cared to get good grades before. However, one semester I decided I wanted to try really hard to do well. So in order to reach my academic goals, I needed to move to the front of my Psych 111 class to pay attention. That’s how I sat right next to my future husband, Clayton.
Clayton introduced himself right away and struck up conversation immediately. He seemed to be more of a shy personality, so his willingness to be so forward with conversation I took as a sign that he was interested in me. I was flattered, but had made it up in my mind that I was going to wait to date a missionary I had met when I served in Alaska. So I avoided Clayton.
I always tried to get out of my psych 111 class fast so Clayton wouldn’t talk to me because I didn’t want him to ask me out. One day I didn’t get away fast enough. He walked me all the way to my next class which was clear across campus. Once we got to the garbage cans outside of the building, (random detail but it comes into play later in our story) he asked me out on a date for that weekend.
It was then that I noticed his eyes for the first time and they were GORGEOUS! Not, just kinda cool, but REALLY REALLY COOL. Clayton has black hair with bright blue eyes that have these white streaks in them. His eyes kinda look like star wars when they jump to “hyper speed”. Anyways, they were so cool that I decided to go on a date with him.
Look at those eyes!
I remember he called me up on the phone and asked me If I liked taco’s. He then asked me If i liked biscuits. Proudly, he shared that for our date we were going to make biscuit tacos, a family recipe!
They were really good, but what I enjoyed more was how easy it was to be myself around Clayton. Maybe how relaxed I was partially came due to the fact that I was still waiting for the missionary. Either way, I remember laughing a lot and being my weird crazy self.
He soon asked me on another date and I thought it was only fair to let him now about the missionary I was waiting for. So I did. And that didn’t phase him at all. I let him know that as long as HE knew it wasn’t going to go anywhere that we could still go on dates, but no kissing, no hand holding, no nothing.
Little did I know, that God set it up this way to help to help me fall in love with my future husband. It “forced” us to go on a ton of dates, just as friends, without letting physical touch distract from really getting to know each other. Clayton was my best friend. And because he wanted more then just a friendship, it motivated him to ask me on actual dates!
Not just hanging out. But real, fun, weird, dates that helped me to learn very fast, a lot about him. I 10000000% believe, if you date the right way, you can truly know in 3 months if a person is “your person”. However most people don’t date the “right way”. That’s another entire blog post I could write.
For most of my dating experience I dated the “wrong way” as well. Adding physical touch way to soon. Not going on dates and just hanging out instead. So again, it was not a coincidence that I went on a mission, met a missionary, who essentially helped play a big roll in my desire to not add any physical touch or to make things “official.”
So thank you to him, and to God for knowing me perfectly to help set up the perfect first date with my now husband!